Develop yourself as the parent of homeschooling student
Dear Parents,
Trends in education change from generation to generation. Every day comes with new innovations and techniques. Every parent thinks that their child must be perfect, educated, and ready with new generation life. "Growing Stars" educates your child with that perfection. Growing stars focus on the development of your child in all aspects.
You are about to choose a Home-Schooling model for your child. He/She is Living with you, your family in your house. According to child psychologist "The children's grasping power of anything is on higher-level while the age of 2nd to 8th Year. Thus, They can accept each and everything from their surrounding. "Growing Stars" commits them for their bright future, We decided to involve parents and Grandparents also in the development of your child. Your child accepts everything given by you as well as their grandparents, their elder siblings too.
"Growing Stars" Presents "Develop Yourself With Your Child" Program :
Which allows you to learn and to develop yourself with your child.
If you want to make your child Global Friendly, You must provide them similar surroundings from your side too. You are necessary to make yourself perfect as your child accepts and freely execute their knowledge. "Growing Stars" will helps you!
Growing stars home Schooling consultancy arranges online-offline lectures, discussion forums and meetings for parents monthly.
"Develop Yourself With Your Child" program makes you ready at the base level of global education. It includes;
Basic English training (English Communication)
Language Fluency Program
How to improve yourself as a PARENT ! (Do'es and Don't as Parents)
Basic manners and Etiquette
Introduction of syllabus
Basic knowledge of computers to mothers.
Teaching techniques
Academic Syllabus Concepts
Mathematics Tricks
Curriculum Development
Role of Mom-Dad
Child Psychology
Activities Development and Management
Parent-Teacher Forum
It's the Social binding of parent-teacher and parent group.
We provide you the membership of PTA (Parents Teacher's Association).
PTA Functions :
Parents Teachers Meetings
Informal Get-To-Gathers
Informal trips
Gathering (Dance-Music-Drama) Functions for Parents
Mom's Meetings
Health care
Kit For Parents
Daily Food Chart for lunch box
Progress Report Card
DoT Identity Cards
Growing Stars Android and Web Application Kit
Parents Aid
Grand Parents involvement
Grand Parents are the first friends of your child. And they might feel comfortable with them.
We are involving Grand Parents for the development of your child. Grand Parents can teach them traditional values and respect. Dada-Dadi-Nana-Nani (DDNN) Program binds the bridge between the child and their grandparents with joy, happiness, and many more interesting programs. DDNN program vision -
The teaching of traditional values. Like Grand Parents as well as other old age persons are respected, How do behave with them?
Grand-Parents should understand the generation gap between children and them.